Research and Write in Seconds
Research and Write in Seconds
Research and Write in Seconds
Ideate, source, and edit your documents with Lunchbreak
Ideate, source, and edit your documents with Lunchbreak
Ideate, source, and edit your documents with Lunchbreak
Ideate, source, and edit your documents with Lunchbreak
Loved by over 100,000 students
Loved by over 100,000 students
Loved by over 100,000 students
Supercharge Your Writing
Supercharge Your Writing
Supercharge Your Writing
Enter Your Instructions
Break through writer's block with AI suggested content to help you write your best
Break through writer's block with AI suggested content to help you write your best
Break through writer's block with AI suggested content to help you write your best
Topic & Source Generation
Topic & Source Generation
Topic & Source Generation
Choose Your Sources
Bring your writing to life with the most accurate, well-researched sources and topics
Bring your writing to life with the most accurate, well-researched sources and topics
Bring your writing to life with the most accurate, well-researched sources and topics
Original Content
Original Content
Original Content
100% Plagiarism Free
Lunchbreak provides writing inspiration that is completely original and plagiarism free
Lunchbreak provides writing inspiration that is completely original and plagiarism free
Designed for students & writers like you
Designed for students & writers like you
See what your friends are saying about Lunchbreak
Jessica Frisch
I didn't think lunchbreak would be able to create the quality of content I needed. Now it's part of my daily workflow. Using this Is like having a virtual study buddy that helps me clarify ideas and explore different perspectives. I love it.
I didn't think lunchbreak would be able to create the quality of content I needed. Now it's part of my daily workflow. Using this Is like having a virtual study buddy that helps me clarify ideas and explore different perspectives. I love it.
Wilson Zhou
I used to pull all nighters because I waited until the last minute before my work was due. But now, I'm able to save hours of my time
Harrison Fridman
Game changer. As an academic, I didn't think I’d need to use this but I ended up using lunchbreak throughout all of college.
Game changer. As an academic, I didn't think I’d need to use this but I ended up using lunchbreak throughout all of college.