Academic Honesty

Effective as of October 11, 2023

At Lunchbreak, we firmly believe in academic integrity and honesty. We have designed Lunchbreak with the primary purpose of assisting students and researchers in their academic pursuits. Our commitment is twofold: to provide you with top-notch academic resources that enhance your learning and studying capabilities, and to promote a healthy work-life balance for students.

We urge our users to use Lunchbreak ethically and responsibly. We do not condone or support any form of academic dishonesty and reserve the right to terminate the accounts of users who violate our terms of service. We encourage our users to use the tool to enhance their learning and research, not to circumvent the principles of academic integrity.

While Lunchbreak is a valuable resource for academic writing, it is not a substitute for independent thinking. Any content produced using our tool must be original and comply with the academic standards of your institution.

Using the tool to create content that is not your own, or submitting content produced by the tool without proper attribution, is a violation of academic integrity and can have serious consequences.

We want to emphasize that our Lunchbreak should not be used for academic dishonesty. We believe that academic integrity is essential for the progress of the academic community, and we expect our users to uphold these principles. We encourage our users to use the tool to improve their academic writing skills and produce high-quality, original content that meets the ethical standards of their academic institutions.

  • ✔️ Use Lunchbreak to study more effectively and to better understand your course material.

  • ❌ Copy answers directly from Lunchbreak and submit them as your own.

  • ✔️ Use Lunchbreak in a way that follows your teachers' or university's academic honor codes.

  • ❌ Use Lunchbreak in any way that violates your teachers' or university's academic honor codes.

There are multiple reasons why cheating is not recommended:

To begin with, by appropriating someone else's ideas, you're bypassing the opportunity to learn the material yourself. Having already invested a substantial sum in tuition, cheating will only devalue the education you're receiving, ultimately harming your own interests.

Second, the consequences are severe, and for many institutions, convictions of academic dishonesty can result in probation, suspension, or even expulsion.

We are open to hearing your thoughts and recommendations for enhancing our Honor Code. You can send your ideas to us at via email.